Grass and / or hay should make up the bulk of your rabbit's diet, and should always be available to it. Make sure if you do feed grass that it has not come from anywhere that has been treated with pesticides, or could have been.
Rabbits need to eat almost constantly whilst they are awake, and the roughage and long fibers in grass and hay are excellent for keeping their digestive systems moving. It is vital that a rabbit's digestive system is always moving, so please never let your rabbit go without food, even overnight. Rabbits are crepuscular creatures, which means they tend to be more active around dawn and dusk, but they can also be active at varying times through the day and the night. Therefore they always need to have food on hand, and it should be hay or grass.

Fresh Vegetables and some fruit make a great addition to a rabbit's diet, but should be fed only from 6 months onwards, and then in small amounts and introduced one at a time to a bunny's diet. Sudden dietary changes can upset a rabbit's digestive system, resulting in sickness and diarrhea which is not pleasant for owner or bunny. Carrot fed in small amounts is good for your bunny as it contains Vitamin A. Portions of apple will also go down quite well with most bunnies. You do have to be quite careful with vegetables and avoid those which can cause gas or bloating. Cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are all not a great idea. The reason you have to be so careful is the fact that a rabbit cannot pass gas or burp. This means that feeding foods which produce gas can result in bloating, pain, and even death.
Veges that are okay for bunnies include:
- Carrot
- Beet TOPS
- Watercress
- Sprouts
- Parsely
- Wheatgrass
There is some argument over leafy vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach, and the like. Some say that they should never be fed to bunnies, others say that the darker leaf vegetables are okay in small amounts. Personally I find that it isn't worth the risk of accidentally harming the bunny simply in order to give it a wide variety of fresh vegetables. Stick with the safe foods and you can be sure that your bunny will be okay. They will not suffer if they don't become a vegetable connissuer, after all, the principle food of rabbits in the wild is simply various kinds of grass. There aren't too many vegetable gardens in the wild.
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