A bored bunny is a bad bunny, and many rabbits are bored simply because their owners have little appreciation for how smart they are, and how much they need to play and 'work' their brains. If you got a rabbit because you thought they were a dull but pretty creature that would sit in a small cage all day, then you chose the wrong pet, and should think about getting a goldfish instead!
The good news is that there are many simple ways to entertain your rabbit, stimulate its mind, and keep it out of trouble. Read on to find out just how to keep your bunny healthy in mind not just body.
Flip and Toss
Bunnies quite often love to throw things around. Some rabbits will even attack things if you roll them towards them, much like a dog would do. There are a lot of small toys available for rabbits, usually made from some form of sisal or cane that are perfect for being picked up in a bunny's mouth and thrown around.
Of course, a big part of a bunny's repertoire is chewing. If a rabbit doesn't have good toys to chew on, it will soon start chewing things it shouldn't. Obsessive chewing is also a sign of neurosis, which can develop when your rabbit is just plain bored with everything.
Giving your bunny something to 'remodel' will give its natural burrow building instincts a work out, and hopefully save your furniture. Cardboard boxes make excellent remodeling centers for rabbits. Tape them up, cut a couple of holes in them so the rabbit can run through, and you have a toy that the rabbit can chew to its satisfaction, not to mention run around, hide in and behind, and other fun bunny things.
Change your bunny' environment up a bit now and then. Cardboard boxes, as mentioned in the previous section, are excellent toys (as long as bunny isn't eating the boxes) because they are light, cheap, very bunny friendly, and they provide literally hours of entertainment for rabbits, who love to sprint around them, run through them, and nibble bigger holes in them to their hearts content.
What this all really comes down to is a need for play and toys. I have written a whole lot of hubs on this subject, including ones with more expansive toy suggestions and inspirations. Not all bunnies play the same way, but all bunnies do want to play. If your rabbit seems to sit there all day and all night never doing anything, then it is probably bored out of its skull and going slowly mad.
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